by Vicki Bechard
Secretary LFKS
might feel like a broken record, but KESA in general, and redesign specifically, are on everyone’s mind these days in
schools across Kansas. Accreditation
visits are in full swing as schools look to redesign learning experiences to give students the skill set that
will help them be successful now and in the future. Kansans
Can is not just a slogan or a hashtag, but a way of thinking that promotes action toward
our goals. Kansas educators want to learn
and implement best practices for the students they serve, but there are a lot
of questions about what redesign
looks like. One often hears school
officials say, “Just give me an example. Tell us
what you want. Show me how to get
there.” We ask these questions
because it’s hard to think differently.
It’s hard to take a risk on the unknown.
We want to do it right, but educators have much to learn and adapt as we
change how we do business. We might even
look at redesign as a mountain that
will be difficult to climb, rather than appreciating the beauty and challenge
it provides and the reward it offers in the end.
I love the mountains.
It is where I want to be if I’m on vacation. In fact if my kids/grandkids were nearby, it
would be where I would want to live. I
think one reason I love the mountains is that I initially view them from the
valleys. I look up to the majestic peaks
and am inspired by their beauty, and amazed at their presence. The journey to be in the mountains is filled
with anticipation, twists and turns, and obstacles that present
challenges and rich experiences. And the view from the top is
worth it: inspiring and amazing, calling me to experience the sites and take it
all in. My journey into the mountains is
shaped by my purpose, the current situation, and what I hope to accomplish. It
is affected by the amount of time I have, resources I can access, and the team
who accompanies me. There are many
mountains in this world to view and climb, with no two the same, and as a
result, no journey will be the same.
Redesign is
our educational mountain. It means
change is about to occur on a large scale.
This is systemic change which
will affect every educator and impact every student. Given the different knowledge and skill sets that students will use in a post-secondary world, we must redesign our instruction and learning environments so that they are
more suited to provide those experiences.
What worked before was fine. We
did our best based on what we knew, but now as we increase our own
understanding, we will do better work that is relevant and targeted for not
just for success today, but for tomorrow’s successes as well. What that looks like depends on the purpose
and the situation, so no one solution will work for every school. We often point out in LFKS resources and
learning sessions that “One size doesn’t
fit all” and that applies to redesign
as well. But while we might not know
what the best redesign ideas will look
like in your particular context, we do know there are some common actions that
do apply to all and will ensure successful implementation.
HOW: Climbing the Mountain of Redesign:
1. Clarify communication. Address the why, how, what, when and who questions and concerns that everyone
has. The details not only have to be
worked out, but communicated clearly and in a timely manner. George Bernard Shaw said it best: “The
single biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken
place.” Be intentional. Clarify.
Listen. Check for understanding.
2. Empower and engage people in the process. Avoid talking AT stakeholders, but rather
talk WITH them. Include them in the
planning and discussions, convey what leaders are thinking, and encourage their
participation in the feedback loop.
Listening to their ideas, concerns and feedback gives all stakeholders a
voice and helps get everyone on board.
3. Allow for mourning as they leave behind
favorite practices and comfort zones. Prepare them for and encourage them when their productivity
temporarily drops (learning curve).
Change (redesign) requires people to work differently and many times
that change can produce reactions similar to when people experience a significant
loss like a death or divorce. Resistance
may simply be a part of the mourning process because change can make us fearful
and unsure of ourselves. Grief is real
even when the “death” is only “the way we used to do it.”
4. Allow for process time. Just as one
size doesn’t fit all for the kind of redesign
efforts you seek, people and teams process at different rates. Be patient. Nurture and guide while allowing
people time to learn and practice so they can find acceptance and success with
the new ideas and practices.
5. Include engaging, supportive, and
reflective professional learning throughout the planning and implementation
process of every redesign or change initiative.
Deep understanding comes from deep conversations. Collaboration targeted for improved educator
effectiveness and student success will be time well spent. The kind and quality of professional learning
will impact the kind and quality of implementation and the ability to sustain
the redesign efforts.
KASB’s Deputy Executive Director Doug Moeckel, shared this visual and noted on
Twitter recently that “Kansas Redesign is driven by these Kansans Can
THIS is our educational mountain.
will we (re)design our journey to the top?
For more information on effective professional learning
or to receive support for your HOW journey, please check out the Learning Forward Kansas website or
contact us directly via email at
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