Michelle Flaming, Math Consultant, ESSDACK
There are many forms of professional development available
for teachers today. One of the most under used, but most effective, is the Lesson
Study. Lesson studies are used on a weekly basis in many other countries. Those
countries, according to TIMSS, out-perform our
students in the area of mathematics. This type of professional development is
as much a norm in their country as our one-day back to school in-services are
in the United States. This article will discuss what lesson studies look like,
the purpose, and the benefits of this type of professional development for our
professional teachers. We will also look at a specific example of how a lesson
study was used to improve the mathematical learning of fourth graders in a
Kansas district.
Lesson study is job-embedded professional development. Teachers,
usually from the same grade, sometimes not, get together to discuss student
learning and misconceptions. Seven teachers are gathered around a table in the
workroom of a Kansas school. They are preparing for their first lesson study. They
have looked over their assessment data and realize that all of their classes
scored poorly on the measurement benchmark. “Why do our kids have such a hard
time with measurement and reading a ruler?” is the topic of conversation.
The seven teachers design a purposeful lesson that should
address measurement, and more specifically, reading a ruler. As the lesson gets
finalized the teachers then decide on who will teach the lesson created by the
group. As the group prepares the lesson to be followed easily by the presenting
teacher, they also decide on who will observe and take notes on which students. As the lesson is presented, teachers watch
their individual students, taking notes on what the student understands and the
student misconceptions.
About 15 minutes into the lesson, a student misconception,
caused the lesson to take a turn. It became very clear that students were
misreading a ruler because 1. They didn’t understand the concept of an inch. (The
inch is the space between each of the lines.) 2. They were counting the number
of lines on a ruler not the spaces. The teachers couldn’t wait to
get out of the room to tweak their measurement lesson now that there was a
better understanding of the misconceptions.
The lesson was tweaked to address this newfound knowledge,
and the teachers decided once again who would present the tweaked lesson this
time. The teachers choose another classroom and followed the above process with
the modified lesson. Students in this classroom had the same common
misconceptions but the lesson was now focused on addressing the real
misunderstandings. As the seven teachers left the room and went back to the
break room to discuss their findings many articulated that this was the BEST
job-embedded professional development they had ever experienced in their entire
professional life.
Fast-forward six months, students are now scoring higher
than in the past on this state assessed benchmark. The apparent solution to an
existing problem was teachers working together to improve their teaching and
students’ mathematical learning.
What? The job embedded professional learning
called Lesson study originated in Japan as a cycle of instructional improvement
focused on planning, observing, discussing research, and drawing out their
implications for teaching and learning more broadly.
Why? Lesson
studies focus on the heart of professional learning: what happens in the
classroom between teachers and students. As professional learners, teachers study and collect
data on the supports and barriers to students’ learning. Lesson studies are
teacher-led processes that allow teachers the opportunity to think about the
goals of lessons, deepen the knowledge of content and instructional pedagogy,
strengthen collaboration with other teachers, and create continuous dialogue
about learning.
How? Lesson study is a simple idea that can be
conducted in so many different ways. Below is a set of steps that most lesson
studies follow.
1. Form a Lesson Study Group – It is best
if this group (four to six) is a willing group that is focused and committed to
learning. Trust is a major factor, so time is needed to develop ground rules or
norms and to build a collaborative group. It often works well for teachers from
the same grade or similar grades to be a part of the group.
the Lesson Study – The group needs to determine the short and long term
goals for student development and also determine the content area and topic.
the Research Lesson – Don’t start from scratch. Begin by using existing
curriculum materials and enhance them. Whenever possible, build on the best
available lessons. Teachers should try
the lesson, by putting on their student hats, and anticipating student thinking.
Where might the misconceptions be? Does
this task work on the concept and goals of the lesson?
It is then important to make a data collection plan. Determine who will watch which students, what are we observing? The specific data collected will depend on the study team’s goals.
It is then important to make a data collection plan. Determine who will watch which students, what are we observing? The specific data collected will depend on the study team’s goals.
the Research Lesson – One team
member teaches the designed lesson and the rest of the team members closely
observe student learning, behavior, and misconceptions agreed upon from the
planning process. As hard as it may be,
only the chosen team member should be teaching the lesson.
on the Research Lesson – The goal of this time is NOT to evaluate the
teacher but to share data on students’ responses to the lesson. Protocols or
agendas for this discussion should be made clear so all members understand the
purpose and desired discussion.
The teacher who taught the lesson speaks first and has a chance to reflect on the challenges in the lesson. Other members then share the data they collected. After each has had an opportunity to share, they should discuss common themes, possible problems, changes that need to be made, etc. An hour is usually sufficient for this step.
The teacher who taught the lesson speaks first and has a chance to reflect on the challenges in the lesson. Other members then share the data they collected. After each has had an opportunity to share, they should discuss common themes, possible problems, changes that need to be made, etc. An hour is usually sufficient for this step.
Next Lesson Study – Lesson studies are not just a one-time professional
learning opportunity; they are ongoing. Members should consider what they have
learned about the subject matter, students, and instructions, and should
determine what the group would like to do next. What are the next steps?
In conclusion, lesson study is a job-embedded professional
learning that puts the decisions back into the hands of the professionals – the
teachers. Jackie Hurd, a U.S. teacher, said of lesson study:
“One of the things that I really love about it is that it
puts a professional part back in teaching that we have to battle all the time …
being able to say, ‘This is like a science, and we can figure these things out
and get better at them.’”
Powerful Designs for
Professional Learning – Second Edition
Lesson Study: A
Handbook of Teacher-Led Instructional Change (Lewis)
Can You Life 100
Kilograms? (www.lessonresearch.net)
Does lesson study have
a future in the United States?
Lewis, C (2002)
Lesson Study: a case
study of a Japanese approach to improving instruction through school-based
teacher development. Yoshida, M (1999)
Lesson Study Project